Review of .45

.45 (2006)
Really not as good as people have been saying.
9 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
While .45 features some passable performances from its cast and an okay storyline it's far from being masterfully made. The main problem for me mostly is the dialog that gives you the impression that Gary Lennon was trying to craft a Martin Scorcese style film featuring a lot of uses of the "F" word and a lot of vulgar language which easily offends the everyday sensitive viewer. But for myself who looked at the film without finding anything about it offensive the real problem with the dialog is it's both extremely repetitive and boring. A common problem with just about every film with a dialog that could very well be an encyclopedia of swearing.

The second problem are the characters, I never really grew to care about any of them as sometimes through the course of the film they just seemed stupid. Like the main character Kat, played by Milla Jovovich who stands out the most, she's smart enough to plot revenge but not smart enough to avoid a guy like Big-Al (Angus Macfadyen) who pounds her to a pulp altogether.

Final Verdict, This film is really not as good as people have been saying despite the cast giving passable performances, the main problems are the repetitive and boring dialog and the uninteresting characters.
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