Blood Widow (2014)
Oh boy, I loved it! - Go Go sarcasm!
17 June 2014
Will this new wave of horror directors ever learn?!? Will their excuses always fall in the category: low budget, I did my best?? Why keep doing the same thing over and over when you know from starts it's nothing but a mistake?!?

Why do I always get to see cardboard characters in this kind of movies? How come only the worst possible decisions are taken, how come no one ever knows better and how great would it be to see some brain action for once? Blood Widow is a terrible movie: acting below amateur; the kills make you facepalm; the gore is laughable; the music used in the movie was probably made by an 11 years old with a free download program; last but not least, the killer design is worth of a better movie indeed.

This one will annoy you, will get you sad cause you wasted time on it, shows no potential, no real plot, just a very bad case of deja-vu. Stay away, look elsewhere, plenty of good indies around there.

Blood Widow translates into: "let's make the same mistakes again. maybe people won't notice!"

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