Review of BioShock

BioShock (2007 Video Game)
I choose the best ...I choose Rapture...
23 June 2014
Back when this game was released was a total boom for two thing: the mix between FPS and RPG element, and the awesome story and world this game has. So you know the most important, but this game is much more. The game start with you, jack, surviving a plane accident next to a lighthouse, and results that this lighthouse its actually a bathysphere taking you to Rapture which is a city built under the ocean by Andrew Ryan a business magnate and its runned by him too, separated from the normal world to star a life where The an and The science are the rulers of the city, a place with no limits. So from the moment you put a feet on the city you start to feel the danger around you, till you find the first plasmid, letting you know from the star that the technology in the city it far more advanced that what people had in those years, but with that you find out that the city its almost in ruins, dead bodies are everywhere, whispers, screams and splicers, which are human that started to suffer from the effects of Plasmids. There are a lot of plasmids, which are like magic powers (Fire, Electricity, Telekinesis, etc)created after the discovery of ADAM, and few guns that you'll find through the game, you can carry all of them at the same time and all of them have upgrades, so as the game goes on you'll be turning into a big badass.

Right when you arrive to the city a man called Atlas. He ask you to help him and back, hell help you and from here, you're going to find Little sisters, which are basically ADAM collectors, but its more than that, and their "bodyguards" the Big Daddies, you'll be part of an immersive world about what would happen if you let mankind live without rules, while you discover the truth behind the city.

If you haven't played... Go and play it right now. Why haven't you played it?...This is worth everyones time, if like good stories, good gameplay, detailed worlds and a little bit of survival horror, this is a must own.
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