Pity Patriotic Patsies...
3 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
WINTER SOLDIER is a litany of American atrocities that continue to this very day. The ongoing genocide of the Natives of this land, and the Corporate coup that has supplanted government of, by and for The People, are just two current examples of how far down the tube we've gone. At one point in this documentary, a former grunt (presumably a Native, though I don't recall him being identified as such), puts it this way: "When we made treaties long ago, it was for as long as the grass should grow and as long as the rivers shall flow." With troop build-ups in Iraq once again, we're going down for the third time. Even the War Pigs who are so fond of quoting from what comedians like Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and Lewis Black call The Big Book of Jewish Fairy Tales (the bible) should see that they're in over our heads. (But, as long as they can rely on video gamers and other Patriotic Patsies, they feel they have an endless supply of cannon fodder available to them.) The brainwashing of volunteers was a given once the Media silenced all dissent against the invasion of Iraq in this company and so the lemmings willingly line up yet again to do the bidding of their Corporate Masters. How often can this company engage in Hit and Run politics...? Until the Sleepers awaken, it would seem. In Vietnam, "where rape was Standard Operating Procedure," soldiers were little more than organized serial killers: "I got my Murder Training in South Carolina," one soldier says: "Then I got my Genocide Training in Louisiana..." (For even more documentation, I refer you to Nick Turse's excellent book, KILL ANYTHING THAT MOVES.) As the grunts in Iraq will tell you (they told ME), it's just a case of "same s---, different day." One would think that the admonition of one of the Vietnam vets would be all the warning one would need when he said: "Don't let your government do this to you." Amen.
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