The Prestige (2006)
The Mesmerising Mr. Nolan Works His Magic
3 July 2014
The Prestige is another masterful directorial outing for Christopher Nolan who has not put a foot wrong yet. The film is sandwiched between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, and serves to once again highlight the wonderful diversity of his work. That he was overlooked for a directorial Oscar nomination for 'Inception' is to the eternal shame of the Academy. The rivalry between Jackman and Bale's characters is loaded with intrigue at every mesmerising twist and turn, and they are supported by a superb cast of characters each presented with an engaging part that the audience cannot fail to invest in. But it is the story that is the true star, brought to life by Nolan, but beautifully imagined by author Christopher Priest. The tricks are all explained but will enthral you nonetheless, as will this excellent film.
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