Stock Footage!
9 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Gamera: Super Monster is the worst of all the Gamera films, and in my opinion I don't see how anyone can argue otherwise. The plot is decent enough for a science fiction movie but one thing kills this movie. TOO MUCH STOCK FOOTAGE!!!!! Almost all (about 95 percent) of the scenes with Gamera are from previous films. This includes him fighting all his former enemies like Jiger, Viras, Gyaos, Barugon, Zigra, and Guiron. So while this may be a somewhat enjoyable film if you had not seen any of the previous films, it does not work at all for someone who hates overuse of stock footage and has seen all the previous films. I only give this film a 2 because of this one actual new scene where Gamera knocks over a poster for a Godzilla film. That was worth watching. The rest of the film I do not recommend.
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