I Just Don't Get It
17 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Quite honestly, I am surprised that this movie is getting such great reviews. To begin with, the main character, Leo, falls in love with Colette, a complete stranger, on her wedding day. He pretends that he is a guest at her wedding and proceeds to hit on Colette in front of her husband which (obviously) causes a scene and gets him kicked out. In a later scene, the bride's mother comments that she thought his actions were "ballsy". No, actually, it is extremely creepy and inappropriate to behave like that and cause such a scene at a strangers wedding.

The rest of the movie is dedicated to watching Leo's multiple attempts to get Colette's attention. She rejects his advances numerous times but he won't stop bothering her. Eventually, this starts causing problems in her marriage and she winds up with Leo by the end of the movie.

The plot of this movie disturbs me. After multiple rejections, he will not leave her alone and I couldn't understand why Colette and her husband were being so nice about it. 3/4 of the way through, the husband steps in and threatens Leo, which is the movie's attempt to make the husband look like the bad guy but the reality is that Leo is the bad guy. He interferes with complete strangers lives/marriage and will not quit until he gets what he wants. In typical romantic comedy fashion, they try to make his advances seem innocent and endearing however any normal person in real life would have taken out a restraining order about a half hour into the movie. I am tired of romantic comedies glorifying stalking behaviors that would normally get you arrested.
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