Review of Jonny Quest

Jonny Quest (1964–1965)
I'm still asking the same question after 10 years!
19 July 2014
As Sawyer said..this was the best animated series of the time...So I am still asking "When are we going to get a Live Action version of this gem of creativity and adventure??"

I don't care who's going to be cast as wonder woman, etc. I want to know who is going to play Johnny!!!!

Who is going to play Race and Hadji? Could be a break through role for someone. There is a lot of casting opportunities for a project like this to do something different and bring some new faces to the screen as well.

If I had the big bucks...THIS is the property I would be investing in (see below)! With today's CGI those hover crafts and other cool gadgets could look pretty realistic. And animal casting has gone so much further since the days of Frank Inn (Benji) that could be cool. (No scooby doo please.)

Film or TV, I don't have a preference, but if you do, let us know......

So how about it people? A write-in campaign to Fox or Universal requesting a Live Action production? (old school method)

Or maybe someone knows a producer who is interested in initiating a KickStarter campaign and we'll just fund it ourselves!(new school method).

We are the boomer generation....we have "proven" that anything is possible!! - (Anything, that is, except entering the word "proven" into an IMDb review without quotes. Don't know why this editor refuses to accept an "n" on the end of the word "prove" in this context, it is a real word, I've tried 3 times to correct it..sorry grammaticians)
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