Ridin', Ropin' & The Eternal Triangle
19 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
FOLLOWING THE VERY welcome and surprising successes that were racked up by the initial season of SPIN AND MARTY, the next season of Walt Disney's MICKEY MOUSE CLUB featured an inevitable, though unplanned, sequel. This FURTHER ADVENTURES OF SPIN & MARTY (it would be "S & M" for short)did manage to build on the first season; as well to make some extensive references to it early on.

FOR AN EXAMPLE, Marty (David Stollery) makes a similar entrance as in the previous Summer. Upon exiting the Markham family Limousine, Marty exclaims, "Same dirty, old farm!" At first, all within earshot believe him to have relapsed into his old, spoiled "poor little rich kid" self; not realizing that Marty was all the while pulling their collective leg.

OTHER THAN THE now well established fact that Marty is now a young guy who has had a much needed epiphany, and no longer the guy who doesn't or won't fit in, so much of this 2nd serialized adventure was very much the same story. But there was the inclusion of a very sharp and totally unexpected element. "Uncle Walt" was about to throw some stuff in the game.

AFTER ESTABLISHING THAT the Triple R Boys Ranch & Summer Baby-Sitting Service was a heaven for "Ridin', Ropin' & Roundups", it is revealed that the camp also has access to a lake adjacent to its property. The Triple R also has an outstanding aquatic program and will have a competition in swimming & diving with its dreaded rival, the boys from North Fork Boys Ranch. These are the same bozos that Spin, Marty and company competed against in Rodeo events.

WHEN YOU HAVE the addition of aquatic sports, that means bathing suits are the order of the day. The inclusion of bathing and swimming also logically brings the next step of the introduction of girls into this manly world of the Triple R.

THIS DISCOVERY IS made one day when Spin & Marty are racing in the lake using the old Australian Crawl in swimming out to the raft in the lake. As the first to arrive, Spin (Tim Considine) is astounded to find Annette Funicello siting there in her dark Jantzen one piece swim suit.

INTRODUCING THE ELEMENT of a Girls' Ranch to the story did manage to add some life to what would become a repetition of season one. Spin and Marty both show a definite interest in her and the other Triple R boys also take to favoring various girls from the "{Rancho Femminine". Even Camp Counselor Burnett (Harry Carey, Jr.) strikes up a romance with the girls camp leader.

BUT, BY THE time of the big showdown swim meet with North Fork, the Eternal Triangle is taking its toll on the boys as Spin & Marty's friendship is threatened by their feelings for Annette. The point is driven home without any doubts left.

HOWEVER, WITH THE competition in full swing, a third young buck enters the picture. Annete winds up going with some hot-shot big mouth swimmer-diver from North Fork!

OH ANNETTE, HOW could you be so fickle!
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