Snapshot (II) (2014)
A Bad Film With Bad Acting and Shady People?
2 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In short, it sucked. Looking up Robert Borneman to see what he's written, his facebook came up and find he posted a "review". A shady circa 1999 looking blog with no followers and only 57 twitter followers, clearly an inside job with a glowing raving over the top review of a terrible movie. No one unattached to this film would claim it's great or even good. It's bad. Very bad. I look up the website domain and it's owned by Keith Collins an actor in Snapshot and other films with the same people. He and his company KCM/Uninhibited Marketing Group owns the site and writes reviews for films he's involved in. Don't believe me? Look up on I get marketing your product but that's underhanded and cheating don't you think? So as someone with no stake in the film I'm writing my own real review.

Thomas (Zach McGowan),a photographer thats a paparazzo we see forced to leave for going too far invading privacy and getting the brutal end for it. Right then you see where it's going unless you've never watched a movie and completely oblivious to everything. He then "accidentally" while crouching down at the ground gets this scandalous laughable shot of the first lady and has to decide what to do with it. The whole film is about that pretty much. The story writing was bad. The acting's bad, really bad at times. It didn't look that professional either, I don't believe this was made for 750k, that's a lot of money this looked done on the cheap.

Joyce DeWitt's (first lady) performance was weird and unbelievable. The president is played by Michael Pare, I've never heard of him and looks more cop like than president to me but I guess he was OK. He doesn't have the commanding presence and charisma Presidents usually have. He wants this photo stopped for fear of his re-election campaign of course, cliché, done a million times so he sends his right hand man Jack Adams (Martin Kove) to fix it. The under the table twist your arm fix it guy not cliché at all. I get with a face like that he has the bad guy thing down so maybe it's the stupid writing but his performance wasn't good either. It looked forced, unrealistic, cheesy probably because it played to the cliché type. I've seen worse writing in movies where you say "what?" outloud because its so ridiculous. This was more eye-rolling give me a break type writing so everyone could've given decent enough performances but they didn't. McGowan's performance was decent but bland. I've a hard time seeing him as leading man, the qualities of one don't show at least in this film but a decent job.

Robert Loggia plays Thomas' father, Paul, and David Chokachi his brother Eddie. I wish the mother was around; these guys don't look like they'd be related at all. Chokachi's the pretty boy type; McGowan not so much. Loggia does what Loggia does, but he's also Robert Loggia of Scarface and had success so his agent should steer him around these roles. Of course he'd like his son to do the right thing as any father would and his brother of course is seen as the cliché would have it the good son. He's a fireman, always doing the right thing has his life and family together,not the brother you question. There's always a good and a rebel kid right? Again the actings not good but both Loggia and Chokachi did their jobs not well not their best I'm sure but not the worst. That honor belongs to the final character in this film.

Thomas' girlfriend. Along the way his girlfriend Arianna (Angela Gots) an unknown is playing with him on whether or not they should sell it making a bundle of dough since the first ladys a public figure and could argue they have a right to and of course she has a stake in that decision; they could then live a better life and out of that dump they're living in. Oy vey. Ms. Gots is in all honesty probably one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. She simply can't act what so ever.I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would cast her or how the director or whoever gets final say thought what made it into the movie was good. If that was "good" what were her other scenes like? To make it worse she's so ugly that after a while all you can think of is "god she's really ugly" and "wow one eye is higher than the other", she's hard to look at and on top of that her voice makes you cringe and hard to listen to. It's very deep and man like but gravely rough,whiny, snotty at the same time. And something about the way she moves her mouth is just gross. I shudder thinking about her.

There's other various clichés/characters, a punk rock chick that's pretty useless except to be the alternative youth whose face becomes as multi-colored as her hair and clothes. Always have people take a beating when you're messing with money and power. If you need a hospital you'll go somewhere that doesn't look like one with a bleach blonde doctor and a face full of war paint. There's only one way to turn the bad son around and that's death. There's so many clichés I lost count. I'm sure Borneman had the best intentions but this is a major dud.

I kept hoping there'd be some knock your socks off twist I didn't see coming. I think what was supposed to be twists especially the ending were extremely predictable. You may not realize while watching its supposed to be a twist. Maybe I was supposed to be dumb? I doubt most will be so simple they'll find this suspenseful or thrilling especially with the heavy burden of often bad acting.
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