Dealing himself in
28 July 2014
Based on a Louis L'Amour novel this Allied Artists film Treasure Of Ruby Hills finds Zachary Scott playing a very lone hand in a range feud. Scott's after a study of the principal players in this area has staked out a claim to the stream where the water comes from. The two big cattle barons Charles Fredericks and Barton MacLane have put a lot of gunslingers on the payrolls and are doing a lot of promiscuous shooting against each other.

Stoking the feud is saloon owner Dick Foran and yet an owner of another spread Rick Vallin are hoping to control everything when Fredericks and MacLane kill each other off and do conveniently. But now that Scott's dealt himself in, that's something no one figured on.

L'Amour never wrote his western novels for kids and Scott is no Republic cowboy hero. Still he's the best thing that passes for a good guy in this story.

Western fans will definitely like this one.
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