Dark Souls II (2014 Video Game)
Better save this game from having only one poorly-written review...
23 July 2014
If you're reading this, you're probably already familiar with the Souls game series and what makes it famous: difficulty. If not, then welcome to Hell.

Dark Souls 2 manages to adequately follow Dark Souls by offering an equally hard and addictive yet flawed experience. I'm glad to say that FromSoftware saw fit to fix/improve a few things over DS1. Graphics are better, there's a much wider variety of weapons, you can fast travel right from the start, and the game's about as difficult yet rewarding as DS1. Unfortunately, this game also suffers from problems that plagued DS1. The story is almost identical to DS1 and is explained just as much... which is to say hardly at all. They just tell you to find powerful souls. That's it. No indication of who/what is carrying said powerful souls or where you're even supposed to take the souls once you have them.

I thought I'd try the game at first without consulting any sort of guide. Big mistake. I know you're supposed to play the game with trial and error (that's how you figure out which weapons you like best and how to fight each type of enemy), but honestly, like in DS1, there are a myriad of things you need to know to progress that you most likely wouldn't figure out without consulting a guide, or by dying over and over (as the developers intended, no doubt).

In short, this game is better and worse than its predecessor in certain ways, yet I still found myself going back for more. I highly recommend having the game's wiki open while playing to avoid excessive frustration. Overall, though, I feel like this game is worth a try if you enjoyed (err... survived) DS1.

TL;DR: For anyone who's curious about this game and has played the first Dark Souls:

Pros: Upgrading equipment and obtaining boss weapons is easier. Regular enemies are a bit tougher to kill. New Game Plus really ups the ante. Durability is replenished by resting at a bonfire. Soundtrack is awesome and less throat-singing heavy than DS1.

Cons: Some bonfires are less than 10 feet away from an enemy mob. Still no clear instruction for what to do story-wise. Have to go back to a certain area to level up. You can be invaded while hollow. Bosses are kind of lame; most of them are humanoid and heavily telegraph their attacks. Optional bosses are a grind since they have massive health pools and can kill you with one hit.
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