A lot of effort in the execution yet the base screenplay lacks so much
2 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After his girlfriend Beth died, Zach keeps coming on her house and meeting her parents Maury and Geenie. One day they don't let Zach in. Curious, Zach goes around the house and sees Beth inside. After several attempts Zach gets past Maury into the house and meet Beth. But it seems like Beth recollects none of the things happened prior to that day, that she and Zach broke up and that she died. Also Beth more and more acts abnormally with sudden temper tantrums and having superhuman strength. Beth's parents forbid Zach from telling Beth that she died. Zach and Beth's parents are confused about Beth's reappearing, whether is it like Jesus, or just like a zombie.

As Beth's weirdness piles up, Zach then tells Beth that she died. At quite the same time more people start to come back to life, even those who died long ago. Soon there's panic like of a zombie apocalypse as the dead begin to develop zombie like nature of craving live flesh. Seeing that the dead still retain some memory of their former self, Zach then returns to see Beth, determined to make up for his mistakes while Beth was still alive. He takes hiking, something that Beth always asked him but he declined. At the hill top Zach finishes it all, and as he returns home, as like it was all depended on him, the whole zombie thing is over.

The story opens up so very flatly. It then develops very slowly for the next thirty minutes or so. Then it gets more interesting as the main conflict occurs. The story intensity rises up drastically about two thirds of the movie. But it ends absurdly with a poorly designed epilogue.

The comedy is quite enjoyable. Though the dialog jokes aren't very funny, the practical jokes within the temper tantrums are laughable easily, even though it seems that kind of aims to be a horror scene at the same time. On the other hand, the horror aspect exists very faintly in this movie, all swallowed up by the comedy emphasis. Having the movie feels so lonesome is the only thing that kept me anticipating for any real horror moment, which I was disappointed to find none.

The acting is not a good one. I'd say it's even below my expectations. Dane DeHaan really doesn't know how to work his facial expressions, yet I praise Aubrey Plaza's totality in doing her part. Having bigger names as John C. Riley and Anna Kendrick won't really help this movie much, I think.

My verdict for this movie is just a 4 out of 10 score. A recommendation is something you won't get from me for this one.
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