12 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Using CGI to off set the terrible plot, bad acting, and poor non-CGI effects this movie is not very good. The Knights of the Sun arose to combat a malevolent evil and when blessed by a god won out. Now hundreds of years later the knights have fallen to a low level. None are being "blessed" when they are inducted into the fellowship. At an induction of the leaders son, who is not blessed either, the knights are attacked and wiped out except for the father and the son. The father is taken captive and the son goes after him. He runs into a hooker who spends her jewels (gems not the other) to help him out.(HA)! Any way the son hooks up with some really nasty adventurers, kill a dragon, go to a village with some rescued villagers and wreck some havoc. Just a badly done movie with the usual D & D crap and out come.
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