Painful watch---Trite Morality 101 nuclear winter imbecility...AVOID
20 August 2014
This stupidity of trite left wing morality and the cold war is a dog. As others have stated it gets kind of interesting about an hour into it when you get caught up in where the plane is going....until we find out and get the usual Hollywood morality lesson 101.

The acting is terrible and wooden but that is due to the director---the rocket scientist and the physicist are halfway watchable. The pilot and copilot and flight engineer in the room sized cockpit are remarkable mainly for their toupees (hair pieces) which get ruffled in odd directions from time to time apparently unnoticed by director camera man and everyone else making this thing.

The story's moronic use of time and existence could be swallowed but not the lead heavy ABC morality lesson --- AVOID is all I can tell you.

I only stayed with it as it is a chore to find something else on Netflix streaming and didn't have the energy to do it.... After we learn where the plane is it is really painful to watch this out.. Trust me unplug it early and save an hour of your life for something better.

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