Final Fantasy VIII (1999 Video Game)
As the years progress, this particular FF stands taller
31 August 2014
When I first played through this particular Final Fantasy game, I enjoyed it a good deal, but at the same time there were aspects that disappointed me about this one. However, over the years, this one has become better and better...especially when one compares it to Final Fantasy XII and XIII. The story and game play crushes those two games, so while they look prettier, this one is by far a more enjoyable gaming experience. The graphics are not all that bad either, as it looks a lot better than the beloved part VII of the series as this one was designed solely for the Sony Playstation, while part VII was initially being designed for the Nintendo 64. The leveling in this game though, does take some getting used and there are aspects of the story that could be improved on, this one is still miles ahead of the previous two Final Fantasy games I have played (XII and XIII).

The story has a young mercenary named Squall beginning his final training to become a full fledged member of the mercenary group SEED. He is joined by a man named Seifer and Zell and later on by Selphie. They join a conflict already in progress and Squall along with Zell and Selphie are promoted to full fledged SEED members and are soon tasked with their first mission, to aid a small rebel group against the Galbaldian army. This group is led by a girl named Rinoa whom Squall meets earlier at a ball, and soon the two begin quarreling constantly. However, a very dangerous threat looms on the horizon as the Sorceress Edea seems to be gaining in power and envisions a world of death. Squall soon learns the true nature of SEED, to combat the sorceress, and soon he and his childhood friends will try to stop this threat and the even darker threat looming in the future.

This FF is different in that fighting monsters and leveling up is not necessarily the way to go. One soon finds out that when the characters level up, so do the monsters. Instead, one must learn to junction magic to increase their stats. This FF also features probably the least diversified cast of characters in any FF game. Sure they are all cool, but they are also all the same age and there are no cats riding moogles or rat knights that are featured in the previous and next games. There are other quirks that make this one a bit unique, and overall they do work.

So this one is a very good Final Fantasy game. I enjoy part VII better overall; however, I do have to admit I like the ending to this one better because they actually show you what has happened to your group. The group of characters could have been a bit more unique, but while they are all human, they are still different in their own way. The story is pretty good and while the villain in this does not have nearly the presence of Sephiroth, she does make a much tougher final boss! And finally, this game features one of the best things ever in limit breaks. The previous game had its version and the next one has its own, but this one was by far the most awesome! Take your HP low and proceed to destroy your foes!
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