Jeopardy (1953)
There's A Killer On the Road. His Brain Is Squirming Like A Toad.
7 September 2014
With a movie-tagline like - "She did it - Because her fear was greater than her shame." - Along with a movie-quote like "I'll do anything to save my husband - Anything!" - You can be sure that when it comes to the words "it" & "anything" they were clearly referring to one thing, and only one thing, alone. (nudge. nudge. wink. wink.)

With this above-average, "race-against-time" Thriller from 1953, I have to admit that, at first, I didn't think I'd like it all that much, especially since it starred one of my least favourite actresses from that era, Barbara Stanwyck.

But once they actually got to the real meat-n-potatoes of the story, Jeopardy actually cooked (at a fairly steady boil) and held my interest for the entire latter half of its brisk 69-minute running time.

Yes. I agree that the youthful and virile-looking Ralph Meeker certainly made for a very convincing and brutally aggressive, escaped convict. Yet, by the same token, it was the likable performance by 10-year-old Lee Aaker, as Bobby Stilwin, who I felt shone just as brightly as Meeker's star.

As a young boy eagerly trying to help his father (who was clearly in dire straits), Aaker obviously had a very firm understanding of his character and never once over-played his part as "the cute, little kid".

As an added bonus, Jeopardy certainly contained lots of very well-shot scenery along the Baja California peninsula.

Besides Jeopardy's story starting out like something of a typical, Disney, family-time picture, my only real beef about this film's plot-line has to do with the Lawson character showing up at such an isolated location as that of the most southerly tip of this 775-mile-long jut of untamed land in Mexico. If you ask me, no escaped convict (in his right mind) would ever make himself such a sitting duck by venturing out to a place where he could so easily be cornered and hunted down by the law.
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