Blood Widow (2014)
WTF did I just watch.
13 September 2014
Okay, so, the trailer looked kinda cool. Not extremely, but the killer looked totally wicked and it seemed interesting, so I watched it.

Big. Effing. Mistake.

This movie is nothing but crap from end to beginning. The lighting was awful and the sound keeps jumping from muffled to high-pitched throughout the film. But the worst thing about it, is the acting. I mean... no. Just no. These people cannot act to save their lives, and that is me being nice. The story was intriguing and the movie could have been amazing - but it wasn't. The only positive thing I can say about this film is this: The killer had a cool costume, and the gore was pretty nice. But unless horrible cinema and cringe-worthy acting is your cup of tea, I do NOT recommend this movie.
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