Jersey Boys (2014)
Give Me a Break With The Anti F Word People
15 September 2014
This is another fantastic film Mr Eastwood has put together. He continues to make well crafted films one after the other. Jersey Boys is no exception. Although I have heard the name Frankie Valli before, I had no idea who he was. You do not need to be familiar with the band to enjoy the film. Although I suspect you will recognize many of the songs. If not all of them. It's more than just a music film though. It has a touch of Goodfellas sprinkled in it. It's nice to see Christopher Walken play a gangster again. That alone was worth the price of admission. No on to the F word haters. The picture is rated R. This is how the characters speak. Get over it. I use the F word on a regular basis. So does everyone I have ever known. If you don't like it don't watch R rated pictures.
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