Based on true.... XD fantasy book!
19 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Born in Omsk city, in Siberia. This film is total NONSENSE. Non, not a one thing in this film isn't true. I laughed loud XD on dude named "Gagarin" drinking "Chefir". And "Urkas" there is no such people in Sebiria.

Lat's see a couple of crappy moments. The author is claiming that this is based on a true story. Well, from the first minutes terrible lies. I am talking about "Holy image" with handguns in her hands. Bang XD. Never, i repeat, it would not be allowed to draw handguns on a holy image of holy mother. Even criminals won't do that.

2nd crappy moment. Author claims, that there is some "Urkas" natives living in Siberia. I'am telling as Sebirian there's no "Urkas" in Seberia. The author of the book lies, and director who made this film on the base of liar's book, is liar. This whole film is a lie, with over exaggeration's all over. And all this lies with serious face.XD

Well, i could continue forever, there are too many crappy moments in this "movie". Not bad, for a comedy film.

Don't really have much to say about this movie. I just laughed loud, watching it. I bet, there would be some kind's of people taking this film serious. Please don't.

You may watch it, but remember, as a true Sebirian i'am telling you - "This film show's no truth!", not even tiny bit.
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