So close.. So very close
20 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was so close to loving this movie regardless of its many flaws. The one thing I needed was a cheesy ending to fit its cheesy plot line. I mean that's why we watch movies like this right?

So there's Artie who's pretty much wasted his life even though there were so many things going for him: he seemed like a smart guy, girls at school like him - including Sarah Hyland, his mum and grandfather seem to care for him. But regardless of all of this he seemed to have confidence issues which he resolves through the duration of this movie. But to what end? Go and see..

It pretty much revolves around this guy who's only problem, from what I can tell, is that he's one huge bitch. I get that, it happens to guys. But why him? The shittyness of his life just didn't sell to me. If he had a drunken, abusive father or his girlfriend cheated on him, then sure it would be more believable. But none of that happened.

OK so there's the zombie apocalypse. Yes that is a downer. But he had his issues before that and in fact it was probably the best thing that happened to him. Honestly, he really didn't have it that bad.

But anyway, I was ready to excuse all these flaws. I was in the mood for cheese, I took it out of the fridge, put it in my mouth and was enjoying it. If it just had a nice after taste I'd have taken another bite.

You may still like it though. I mean, quoting the grandfathers advice to Artie, "its the journey not the destination". So if your in the mood for a cheesy movie without the happy after taste, give this one a try..
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