If you've read the book, don't bother; if you haven't read the book - better read it and don't bother to watch
21 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen the trailer of the movie and got hooked up really bad. Distopian novels and movies have found their place among my favorites recently. While waiting for the movie I decided to read the book first. Loved it. All three parts of it. So when the movie came out, me and my husband went to the premiere. Of course, I realize that the script does not always follow the book, some simplifications and omissions are a normal practice. But with the Maze Runner, I was utterly disappointed :( The main drawback of the film (as compared to the book) - is the explanation behind the Maze is not something you are gradually led to, but rather it is something sprung on you at the end of the film, in a "because I said so" kind of way. You may understand that, but you don't empathize with it. In the book, from the very beginning you get those little hints that all of this has to do with the way people think, react to various factors, that this is something to do with the brain, that somebody is watching the Gladers all the time and in introducing new factors and risks and sees how they would react; that there is a higher meaning to that. The telepathy thing between Thomas and Theresa (excluded from the movie) strengthens the idea. The dreams of Thomas (which are very detailed and present a little peak into the subconscious and the memories Thomas lost starting from the childhood - mostly excluded) support the feeling that something bad had happened to the humankind. In the movie - you don't have it. There is a glade, the gladers want to get out because... well because for some reason the gate wouldn't close... Thomas is behind that, but what and why he was doing - he doesn't say... It is a bit chaotic. My husband didn't get that either - he still doesn't understand why I took him to the movie. Maybe I am too prejudiced because I have read the book, but this is the first time I am that disappointed - The Hunger Games, The Divergent (among many others) haven't left me feeling that way. There, I loved the script, I understood why some parts have been omitted and that some things could not be shown. The Maze Runner could have done much better IMHO. So, my advice would be to just read the book and imagine it.
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