Macross Plus (1994)
An Alright Mecha/Drama
22 September 2014
Just for clarity's sake, I should say I watched the movie version, not the OVA. I heard its better, but not all that different.

Macross Plus is only slightly above average. Its a bit more ambitious than the typical mecha. The animation is high quality, and it tries to be a character-focused anime, with few fight scenes. It kind of succeeds. There's tension in our love triangle, and some character depth. I didn't find the character's strong or likable enough to support a relatively slow movie. They're not awful...I guess they're just not my taste. :/ A bigger problem is the AI element to the story. Its pretty average, and takes time away from developing the relationships.

Its alright, though. And the few fight scenes are very good. At least two moments will stick with me through the years. You can give it a shot.
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