A Woefully Unfunny Movie
25 September 2014
Avid movie goer that I am, I somehow got to the ripe old age of 39 without being exposed to Laurel and Hardy. My wife and I decided to rectify that by getting one of their collections through Netflix, and a disc with this film and the last one the duo did together, "Utopia," was the first to arrive. Expectations were high for "The Flying Deuces" and I was sure I was going to find the two hilarious.....

And then I watched the movie and could barely keep my eyes open. What a woefully unfunny movie "The Flying Deuces" is, and if it's representative of Laurel & Hardy (which I've heard it's not), there's not much chance of me liking their other stuff. I want to see some of their earlier films, especially the silents, as I gather that's where I'll find their strongest collaborations, but even at that I'm not sure I'm ever going to like them as much as I like other comedians from the same era, like Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton. I just don't care for the personas Laurel and Hardy play, or the mean spiritedness that colors all of Hardy's interactions with Laurel. Hardy doesn't make me root for him, which is essential in these slapstick comedians for their schtick to work. And the brand of humor doesn't appeal to me either. A typical joke in "The Flying Deuces" goes something like this: Laurel bumps his head multiple times on the slanted roof of their Parisian boarding room, Hardy says something like "How can you be stupid enough to keep bumping your head like that?" and then a couple of minutes later Hardy...guess what?...bumps his head on the same ceiling. Hardy har har.

I'm willing to give the boys another chance, but my expectations are now set much lower.

Grade: D
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