Kindly Gentleman Up Against Lynch Mob Mentality
4 October 2014
If Winter Comes is an unusual story that pits pits Mark Sabre, a kind and respectable man played by Walter Pigeon, against a town that seems bent on vilifying anyone who strays from the straight and narrow, even when there is no real evidence for his presumed misdeeds. Walter Pigeon is in his usual role as a model citizen, which he plays so often in movies like Mrs. Miniver, Advise and Consent, and Executive Suite. Janet Leigh, Deborah Kerr, and Angela Lansbury, play his friend, lover, and wife, in that order. Janet Leigh was particularly good as the innocent girl, with whom he is presumed to have a romantic interest. Deborah Kerr is his real love interest and whose love and loyalty is unwavering. Deborah Kerr is usually typecast in roles as the English lady who is never quite at ease with the opposite sex. In this movie, she has no doubt about who is the love of her life and pursues Mark, despite the steadfast love of her own husband. Finally, Angela Lansbury is very cold, efficient and downright mean as Mark's wife. Reginald Owen is the boss who uses a morality clause in Mark's contract to get revenge on a man whose generosity and common touch are too unconventional for his liking. I was pleased with the cast of the movie with Deborah Kerr shining in the final court room scene.
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