The Crazies (2010)
You don't have to be crazy to watch this (but it helps)
14 October 2014
'The Crazies' (2010) is a remake of zombie-maestro George A Romero's 'other' film from the seventies. Most people only know him in connection with his Night/Dawn/Day/Land quadrology, but he also made The Crazies back in the early seventies. It was basically a zombie film by another name; instead of the undead you had people infected (in the non 28 Days Later kind of way) with a contamination which basically meant they go nuts (or crazy, basically).

If you've seen the other remake of George A Romero's 'Dawn of the Dead (2004)' then you should kind of know the 'look and feel' of the Crazies' remake. It sort of feels like a compendium piece to Dawn's remake, even down to having a Johnny Cash song over the opening credits.

We have a place crashing a toxic chemical which gets in a small American town's water supply, making everyone start killing each other. Naturally the Government is on hand to generally mess things up for the hapless townsfolk who have already started to murder each other in various grisly ways.

The story follows the sheriff, his doctor wife, his deputy and another girl as they desperately try to flee the town while being pursued by nut-jobs, the government and the paranoia that one or more of them may well be infected.

It's not the most mind-blowing of premises, but it does the job. It's not original enough to really stand out. I suppose the most different aspect to it is that the 'infected' or 'non-zombies' (or whatever you want to call them) do still retain enough intelligence to generally act a little difference to your average undead menace (you don't get too many zombies driving cars and firing shotguns at our heroes!).

If you're generally into your zombie movies then this one will do the job. It has enough of a budget to raise it above the bucketload of B-movies who are using the 'zombie craze' to sell itself and the cast, although nothing out of the ordinary, do enough to make us root for them.

Nothing too memorable, but nothing too awful and will certainly entertain any horror fan for an hour and a half.
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