Review of Arkham

Gotham: Arkham (2014)
Season 1, Episode 4
The Best Episode So Far
14 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I think this show has S.H.I.E.L.D. disease. Not that it's a bad thing but it makes gaining viewers much harder. What happened with S.H.I.E.L.D. last year was the first half of the season was at most, decent. Things happened with the story line and the second half of the season was must watch weekly television. The story got more character driven and less with a bad guy of the week. Last night's Gotham titled "Arkham" is a positive start to that kind of season. Thankfully, the second season of S.H.I.E.L.D. has banked on the second half of last season. This season is a lot more interesting and fun.

The episode starts at the end of the third episode with Oswald showing up at Barbara and Jim's door. And that's when the campy atmosphere of the show continues. Jim and Oswald have a confrontation where Oswald explains his thoughts about the city of Gotham, a 'crime war' coming and how he can help Gordon solve this. Cut to the top of a parking lot where an assassin with a very violent but cool weapon takes out a congressmen. Gordon and Bullock are put on the case to find the killer.

This congressman's death is just the first of many. There is a war for the property of Arkham. The two huge crime bosses are vying for that land. It will bring in money for both of them but the bigger the land the more money will one boss will have. It seems that everyone is following this including Bruce, who is looking for ways to help in order to perverse the memories of his parents. Gordon and Barbara finally have that talk as she brings up Oswald. He explains to her that it is work related. She finally confesses to his dismay her relationship with Montoya.

As the assassin takes out another congressmen in a violent murder, Fish Mooney is looking for a new performer, trying out two different girls with different strengths. Both interactions are pretty hilarious in nature. If you notice what the girls are wearing and how they sing you can figure out the outcome. Bullock and Gordon only have a few scenes together. But their chemistry is one of the few things keeping this show's head above water. Meanwhile, Oswald has strategically placed himself in one of the aforementioned mob boss' restaurant. A robbery happens where he saves a bag of money but the main go to man there is killed. Oswald is rewarded with being promoted to the new go to man in the restaurant.

Gordon has another one of his "I solved the case" moments figuring out that the mayor is the final person on the hit-man's list. There is a mini-chase with Gordon going toe to toe with the assassin and once again being saved by Bullock. This seems like a very fun play on the damsel in distress routine in many superhero movies. The war is averted but things still don't go the way Gordon and Bruce want. Arkham is divided into parts with one of the crime bosses getting most of the land and main head Falcone taking a hit. The episode ends with three character scenes, Mooney lets her girls battle it out for the job. Gordon and Bruce have another end of show inspirational speech/scenes. But the most interesting is the final reveal. The scene shows the robbers of the mob restaurant were hired by Oswald, who disposes them in a very Oswald way.

For a 'fan' of the show, this was the most entertaining episode of the season. It was mostly character driven with the story affect all the main players in the show. Gotham is at it's best when it's more comic book than TV show. This episode showcases that. It plays with norms (so far norms) and doesn't end the way it should even though the cops caught the killer. Robin Lord Taylor's performance as Oswald is the shining star of this show. Any time he is on screen the show is taking up multiple notches. This is his breakout episode with most of the what happens on screen has him sitting in the shadows playing everyone.

I'm starting to think that Gotham is on it's way to becoming something I love talking about from week to week. This episode let's the bright spots of this show come to light and minimizes the weak points. As long as the creators and writers stick to this kind of episode I'm all in. It's when they deviate and start splicing each scene with a new Batman story line or character they get away from what the show does well. If this had been the pilot I think there would have been a much less divide in viewership and fan support.
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