The Zombie Apocalypse We Want, Not the One We'll Probably Get
14 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
That should pretty much tell you whether or not you'll enjoy this movie. If you're looking for a serious Walking Dead zombie film, this is not it. This is not a needlessly grim tale of a "realistic" zombie apocalypse. And no, this isn't Shaun of the Dead, either. Yes, it IS a British zombie comedy, but that's where the similarities end. Think of it as a British version of "Zombieland" meets "The A-Team". And yes, the movie IS as awesome as that sounds.

This film takes a semi-realistic approach to the zombie genre. On one hand, we have the characters quickly realizing that the zombie apocalypse is upon them because, let's face it, pretending that zombie culture doesn't exist in your zombie film is so clichéd at this point. On the other hand, we have the characters using military-grade hardware to mow down the zombies and never having to reload except for a few times.

The movie obviously drew influence from the Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy, which becomes quite obvious during the scenes with the old folks. I hold it as a rule that anytime old people are part of the main cast of an action/comedy film, you KNOW you're in for a good time. They take advantage of every old person joke you can think of: old people trying to out-walk the slow-moving shamblers, old people being senile when handed firearms, old people being hands-offish about hitting zombies with things, you name it, it's in here. And every joke works.

The main young characters are all very likable and very entertaining, except for one arse-hat who has got to be the stupidest hostage I've ever seen in my life. Despite their criminal actions, they do it with the best of intent, trying to save their granddad and the old folks from having to move out of their comfortable nursing home to some undesirable place farther north. And after seeing what a lovable old crotchety asshole Granddad is, I agree that he is totally, unsarcastically worth keeping around.

Granddad embodies this movie.
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