Started strong, gave up on itself early on.
23 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This started out with enough tongue-in-cheek humor that I was really hopeful it'd go well. It didn't.

We have a premise that starts with an asylum that has the general "unsettling but normal" history with regards to people who are in or around it regularly and a team of ghost hunters that are more than willing to fake it for the cameras. Laughs are had leading into the investigation, and then things go very wrong.

They really could have stopped at jump scares--most of the team startled like they were kids, it doesn't take much of a leap to think spending 8 hours being messed with by ghosts would have them all leaving much more worse for the wear. Instead, the movie dragged on long past its welcome coming up with nonsensical and disjointed ways to kill off the cast while they were inexplicably trapped in some alternate ghost dimension where it is always nighttime. One is apparently taken in as a "patient" for who knows how long before he finally kills himself, another is almost choked to death only to ultimately be killed in what I can only describe as an invisible landmine accident, another gets pulled into a shallow tub of blood and mysteriously vanishes, the lone female is abducted by a cloud, and the final "victim" gets lobotomized before probably getting finished off just to tie up loose ends.

Literally nothing they encounter lines up with the experiences of people that regularly spend time alone in the building. I'm not sure that the writers cared, though, as they seemed more concerned with mashing in as many tropes as possible. From spooky ghosts with unhinged jaws to buildings spontaneously changing their structure to surprise black magic circles--all of it lacks cohesion. I suppose we can blame the almost intentionally generic history of the place as the starting point for the rest falling apart. There was nothing built in to work with, so it became a free for all.

Save yourself the time and frustration of sitting through this. It isn't scary, it isn't original, and it isn't worth it.
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