Review of Wolf

Wolf (I) (2013)
Cliché, .. but more of a thinly veiled fantasy film ..
20 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Maj-id is an unbeatable boxer, thug, thief, henchman and lover.

The Director of this film is also the screenwriter, (please keep this in mind) which makes one wonder if there's any latent quasi-envy issues in his social-political p.o.v. towards black men. Read on, then watch the film.

The progression of the story and the plight of the main character Maj-id (Moroccan descent) seems woefully preoccupied with race and acceptance. This meme is repeated over and over to a point of .. (see last sentence of this review) Maj-id is an unbeatable boxer, street thief, thug, henchman and lover. He even hits his girlfriend. She befriends a black man(and Maj-id loses it. The girlfriend is sexually turned on and wants to know what its like to beat a man to a pulp. Black people in the film are referred to as a monkeys or jungle commandos.

Maj-id .. remember .. is an unbeatable boxer, thug, thief, henchman and lover. Even with full swing baton hits to the stomach and to a seemingly broken hand. You must understand that Maj-id is an unbeatable boxer, street thief, thug, henchman and lover. I know, it gets old.

Stereotypical high school fantasy writing. You see, the film's setting is in the Netherlands, though there's hardly any Dutch people in the film. The writer/director solely uses black people in this story to juxtapose Maj-id's thuggish activities, or beats them to a pulp to prove his skills as a boxer.

Realistically if Maj-id's world of organized crime involved dealing with Dutch people, .. well, then Maj-id and his gang would be likely referred to as monkeys. Hence the writing and casting decisions.

This portrait of Maj-id suggests he's not black, he's Moroccan ... and he's just filled with rage. Why? In this film, you'll never find out. It's not important. What seems important to the writer/director is to have Maj-id head butt his 70 year old father (yes, the same father who has 12 year old son) .. in the hospital after his brother dies.

This same portrait of Maj-id displays him with an enormous gold tooth and matching gold chain. Cue rap music. Yes, there's scenes in which he robs and vandalizes while rap music is blaring. But, he's not black, he's Moroccan.

Maj-id is an unbeatable boxer, thug, thief, henchman and lover. He hits women, head butts his 70 year old father and can beat a world champion boxer .. even if his ribs are busted and his hand is broken.

What was the director thinking? Watch the film.
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