AwesomenessTV (2013–2017)
Good God, What a Mess!
6 November 2014
This show is scum, pure scum. This is such an embarrassment to everything involved with this show. It is an embarrassment to comedy; it's an embarrassment to slapstick; it's an embarrassment to music; and it's even an embarrassment to freaking technology!!!!!!! As I write this review, I am cringing. And I thought Henry Danger made me cringe. Yes, it does, but this is a whole new level of cringe worthy.

For starters, THE JOKES AREN'T FUNNY! They're loud and obnoxious, but not funny. They're not even jokes, they're... words. And yes, I know that jokes are pretty much words. But these aren't even funny. All they do is say some random bullshit and then... I guess that's supposed to be funny! It's like the writers know this stuff isn't funny and they know that they can't come up with any good humor, so they throw this crap at us, hoping that kids will find it funny.

Second, the actors can't act if it were to save their lives. Most of the time, you get a bad actor. Sometimes, you get an over-actor, but it's embarrassing over-acting. Most over-acting is hilarious, but not here. It just ruins the form of acting.

Third, the pop-culture references. Oh God! The pop-culture references, like the SnapChat parody, where you can kill the people that send you SnapChats by ignoring them. That's not funny, that's just freaking dark. And it's not even dark comedy, this is something that Family Guy would do. Actually, it's not. Even THEY would be embarrassed by this.

Finally, that Terry the Tomboy person. Why did she get her own movie? Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, was asking for it. It's almost as dumb as the Fred movie, but I can understand why they made that. That was back when Fred was at the height of his popularity. With this... Terry the Tomboy isn't even popular. If she is, she must have a small fanbase.

Overall, this show makes me want to watch Nick Studio 10, because with that abomination, they were actually trying with their jokes. Sadly, AwesomenessTV didn't meet the same fate as NS10, and instead got renewed for a second season. Oh, goodie. I can't wait for even more annoyingness.
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