Resident Evil 6 (2012 Video Game)
Resident Evil on crack
6 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Resident Evil 6 makes Resident Evil 5 look subtle. It hits the ground running and never really stops. This is quite jarring at first, and made me put it aside for about a year before coming back to it. What we have here is a somewhat airheaded yet well-made game that is best experienced with another person. The gameplay works like a somewhat sea-sick version of what was started in #4, with the revolutionary idea of moving and aiming finally being implemented. It takes some getting used to, but is eventually quite fun thanks to every character now having the martial prowess of Bruce Lee. A perk system is added; a nice touch that gives the game tremendous replay value. Not so successful is the strange inventory system; I still don't really know how it works 5 campaigns later. It seems like you never have enough space for ammo or anything really; I think they could have avoided this by not giving a limit to what you can carry. The campaigns all have a certain flavor to them, trying to call back to certain eras in Resident Evil's history and are split across multiple protagonists to varying degrees of success. What we end up getting all around is a frenetic pace with some tacked on gimmick levels involving all sorts of goodies like stealth segments and the occasional vehicle driving sequences. The quicktime/running segments are back in full force as well, and while fun will leave you shaking your head when a bad camera angle leads to your death. The story takes a backseat to the proceedings, and just works as an excuse to move game along. The plot isn't even fully explained until the final bonus campaign; a doppleganger situation between two important characters making the overall story even more confusing than it needs to be. The voice acting is actually pretty decent, with some series favorites returning to their iconic characters; though they don't have much to work with besides yelling at each other this time around. Resident Evil 6 works best when you leave your mind at the door and accept it for what it is: the video game equivalent of a roller coaster ride. The scares are almost non-existent, but as far as co-op action games go, you can do much worse.

8 Chris punches/10
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