To Be Fat Like Me (2007 TV Movie)
Average; Could've Been Better
10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The idea was brilliant. A pretty/skinny teen wears a fat-suit for a social project. I thought it was going to be interesting. It was... but nowhere near as interesting as I'd imagined. It was poorly done and underdeveloped.

Honestly, they could've done so much more with this premise.

The climax (where she takes the mask off at the party) was just half-a**ed. Weak, very weak.

And the cherry on top of the cake: she gets back with the jock, who tells her to her face that he wouldn't go out with her if she were fat, and whose best friends strategy is to blow off any girl if her mother is overweight (because, supposedly, a girl with a fat mother will be just as fat in 10 years).

It would've been more satisfying if she ended up with the geeky boy (Ramona's friend); he seemed much nicer.

By the way, they could've cast someone more suitable to play the lead. The girl didn't quite have the looks to pass for the queen bee.

And I have to say... some of the scenes were MAJORLY exaggerated, for example:

1. I have never seen people on public transport stare at overweight people with disgust.

2. I have never seen anyone at school moo at fat kids, especially when a teacher is present.

3. I don't think ANY shop assistant would ever treat a customer that way.

Well, anyway... the movie is O.K. Entertaining enough. But leaves a lot to be desired. Like I said, they could've done so much more with it.
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