Don't Expect A Movie Like Taken
17 November 2014
Upon first hearing of this film, I like many thought it would be a fast paced and action packed film. Unexpectedly, this movie is more like the late 90's thriller 8mm in terms of story and tone than it is some of Liam's recent films. The film much like 8mm, is a dark, tense and gripping thriller with more dramatic elements than action. Liam Neeson may seem like he is being typecast as of late, playing these burnt out, reluctant hero type characters with emotional baggage like alcoholism or family problems.These roles seem to resonate with many and he plays them with such ease and great acting ability that he is an ideal fit for these roles. Although Liam carries the film on his back, he is backed by a good supporting cast and characters. Particularly, the villainous duo who play they're roles as sadistic, creepy murderers very convincingly. Another standout supporting role comes from Liam's sidekick in the film, TJ. Both characters had good on screen chemistry and adds more to the movie and the character of Matt Scudder. The director does a great job building a creepy, tense and dark atmosphere which leaves the viewer on the edge of their seat as they build to a nail biting climax. Overall, don't expect an action packed movie. Expect a more slow, dramatic thriller that plays like a detective/mystery novel and show's Liam Neeson is an actor first and an action star second.

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