What a mix of emotions this one brings out
1 December 2014
I can't quite say if I enjoyed this movie or not. I initially wanted to see it because of it starring Robin Williams. (RIP) But then I saw the rest of the cast listing and was locked in on my decision. However, the movie itself left me with a mix of emotions. For a movie staring two hilarious actors, Hale and Williams, the mood was just a little too serious throughout. And even the humor was clouded in a way by something more depressing. There were funny parts to be sure, but it wasn't nearly as funny as I'd have hoped for. The storyline was decent except for the underlying current of utter despair that simply oozed out of this movie's pores. So, yeah, not my favorite movie by any means, but it had its moments. I'm really sad to think of it as being the last one we'll get from the great Robin Williams. I was hoping for something at the end of the credits, and in that I was not disappointed. The dedication to Williams was very touching and sweet.
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