The Mule (2014)
A Clever and Joyous Crime-Drama
8 December 2014
Tony Mahony and star Angus Sampson tag team this oddball crime-drama that is sure to show audiences an intelligent plot, well acted characters, and no shortage of humor. The characters are all lovable in their own unique ways due to the performances from...well everyone, really. The characters, plot, and cinematography show a healthy mix of influence from the Coen Brothers ("Fargo," "Raising Arizona"), Wes Anderson ("The Grand Budapest Hotel"), and even AMC's "Breaking Bad."

Reading a quick synopsis or plot summary of this film will reflect poorly on the actual depth and cleverness of it all. Despite the seemingly simple and goofy (maybe even downright stupid) story of a man trying not to crap his pants for seven days because he swallowed drugs, "The Mule" is sure to impress audiences with its suspense and unfolding plot. Watching this movie is like being in a room with a time bomb; you don't know when it's going to blow, you can't escape it, and the bomb just happens to be a man doing his very best to not defecate himself.

Angus Sampson, an actor who usually prefers to stay out of the spotlight, shines in his role as Ray Jenkins, a quiet, introverted, momma's boy, soccer player who finds himself making the wrong decisions for the right reasons. John Noble plays as this Australian town's cut- throat kingpin. Hugo Weaving and Ewen Leslie are the typical "bad cop - good cop" detective duo that keep us guessing as to whether they want to help Ray through this or (quite literally) beat the **** out of him.

While I'm sure this movie will receive low scores because of how "drawn out" it may seem or because of...well..."shock factor"... I urge fans of crime-dramas and thrillers to see this film. You will be pleased with its twists and turns right up until the happy ending.
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