Gotta pay the bills somehow
19 December 2014
The Silent Night, Deadly Night series thankfully came to an end with this last effort. The first three movies in the series were all about killer Santas. Then part 4 went all "season of the witch" on things and tried to point the series in a different direction. It wasn't very successful but this one continues with that thinking, having the story about something other than a killer in a Santa Claus suit. This one basically decides that since the series started with the idea of spitting on a positive and wholesome traditional icon, this would do something similar by spitting on Pinocchio. Neith Hunter and Clint Howard reprise their roles from part 4. Hunter's supporting role adds little and Howard's cameo is pointless. It's really sad that Mickey Rooney had to do this but he had bills to pay. He easily outshines everybody else in this, even though he's slumming. The rest of the cast is entirely unmemorable. If you liked the earlier movies in this series, particularly part 4, you're obviously coming from a different place than me so you'll probably enjoy this more than I did. The same holds true if you're a fan of the made-for-video horror dreck that littered the video store shelves back in the day. Growing up my brother used to rent trash like this religiously. While I certainly have a lot of bad movies that I enjoy, this isn't one of them. It's all very blah to me, particularly with the cheap look of it. There were two or three somewhat funny scenes but not enough to save the movie as a whole. I did like seeing the Rambo cartoon though. Points for reminding me that was a thing.
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