The Interview (II) (2014)
Lame and a total waste of time
25 December 2014
This is just the latest crapola from Roegen and Franco. These two jerks have made nothing but turkeys and this film is exactly what one would expect from them. It is lame, tacky and tiresome, not to mention totally dull and unfunny. I think these two hacks have got something wrong with them to consistently keep creating crap - as well as the Hollywood cretins who keep financing such hogwash. Another hack is Seth McFarlane who makes dumb, lame, crapola as well. Clearly there is a trend here, but I'm not sure if it's just their lack of writing ability to come up with something that's actually funny, or if they really think this septic garbage IS actually funny - when nobody else does - the exception being juveniles who think they're supposed to find it so. I got not one laugh out of the whole movie and found large portions of it just downright annoying. Perhaps they think that needling an audience is the humor in itself. But I've got news for you turkey writers, if that's the case, it's only funny to you. And eventually, your audiences will get disappointed too many times to bother wasting anymore time on your inane crap. In fact, I had no intention of wasting any time on this latest doo-doo fest if it hadn't been for the fiasco that preceded its release. The only neat thing about this movie was the advertising campaign. That's how you sell a movie that's a stinker - with a publicity stunt - a trick as old as the hills, and just as transparent as the vacant seats at the theaters will be the next time these idiots produce more garbage. I got more amusement out of the Sony hack than this dimwitted tripe. If the North Koreans had bothered to view the movie they got so upset about, they would have seen there was no insult to anyone except the makers of this film.
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