Laughably bad – worth watching only for cheap laughs
28 December 2014
Compared to some other terrible Lundgren films this one is at least funny. It would be a total waste of money to rent or buy the DVD , but if you have a chance to see it on TV and you like good comedies – watch it.

This movie is some nonsense science fiction movie set in times "where past meets future". It seems like they were planning to make a "Mad max" rip-off , but they didn't have enough costumes . So they decided to use what they had – a World War II costumes ! So the end result is that half of the cast wears "Mad Max" style costumes , while the other half wears Nazi uniforms. Same goes for the weapons. It doesn't make any sense (this is supposed to be a futuristic world) , but it looks hilarious. Did I mention that Lundgren's character is named Warchild in this one ?! The action is so low budget that it's comedy gold. The editing is so bad that you see the same people getting killed over and over again. When somebody gets shot he back flips like a Russian gymnast. When you kick a table it keeps spinning in the air. It's like "Matrix" before "The Matrix" ! All the explosions come probably from cheap smoke grenades . I guess the crew didn't have enough money for real TNT.

The direction is hilarious. Simple and small movements result in cheesy sound effects. Do I have to mention that there is no suspense or excitement here. Well , at least the pacing is good.

There is some truly amazing funny dubbing. The acting is so bad that everyone with depression should see it. I wonder why this movie was dubbed in first place. I'm pretty sure that Cary Takawa ("Showdown in little Tokyo") knows English well. Oh well.

Good for some cheap laughs. I give it 2/10.
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