Inception (2010)
waste of time
26 January 2015
I gave this movie only one star , though it's worth more, but since so many reviewers rated it 10 or 9 stars i had to give less. It is probably one of the most overrated movies on IMDb.

I hoped it would be exciting experience, a friend recommended it, and also IMDb rating was great so I hoped for a great movie-evening.I loved the idea of the movie, I had some experience myself with lucid dreaming etc. so I was kind of excited about it.. but what a disappointment.

It's just soooo boring from the beginning. I watched it to the end hoping something will change my mind, but further it went more boring it became.

In this dream world movie there's almost no fantasy at all. Boring shooting, fighting scenes and car races most of the time. And then some boring conversations with no sense at all.

My advice- don't waste your time even to see why some people gave it 9 or 10 stars. Just avoid, sincerely...
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