Shame on the History Channel
26 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the comic book version of American History: Sam Adams running around on housetops like a colonial Batman. Fistfights and riots left and right (when do these people have time to get anything done? All they do is swill liquor and fight Redcoats). Adams portrayed as a guy with a perpetual 3-day growth of beard. Hey, he's just a 21st century kinda guy living in the 18th century. Why not put him in jeans and a t-shirt and be done with it? The real Sam Adams was nothing like the dude portrayed in this trash. He was a politician who fought for the rights of British citizens in the colonies until it became obvious that was not going to happen, then he became a revolutionary. The only reason this deserves 3 stars is because it might inspire somebody to pick up a book. As for the History Channel, its name really needs to be changed, because it no longer has anything to do with history.
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