Total Recall (I) (2012)
Did Anyone Connected With This Film Actually Read the Source Material?
1 February 2015
How very sad. Good cast, good effects, lousy execution.

Philip K. Dick's short story, "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" is a masterpiece of storytelling. 1990's "Total Recall" is a shadow of the short story. This film is the shadow of a shadow.

While there are several nods to, and in-jokes about, the 1990 film, by and large this is simply a rehash of that film with little to impress.

It did not hold this viewer's attention despite (or perhaps because of) an overabundance of chases, fights, and slam-bang action scenes. There is little exposition and virtually no opportunities to become attached to the protagonist. Indeed, it was as if director Len Wiseman took all his film cues from Transformers director Michael Bay and did so rather poorly.

Watch it if you must, but don't expect much and you won't be disappointed.
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