Review of The Pill

The Pill (2011)
Indie smugness
7 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So a clearly drunk couple swagger into their room, about to have sex when the girl (Mindy) falls asleep before they can. They guy (Fred) figures "whatever" and goes to sleep as well. Only to be woken up in the middle of the night when a now-conscious Mindy mounts (totally kinda rapes) him. As they're about to finish, Fred wants to pull out since he doesn't have a condom, she says "just do it it's fine" and even grabs him by the waist to prevent him from pulling out in case he was having any of those pesky "I don't want to ruin the rest of my life" thoughts. So next morning, she admits she's not on birth control and has no plan on taking Plan B because "she's Catholic". So while clearly willing to ignore the part of her religion against drunken premarital sex with people you've known less than a day, she chooses to be really pious about adhering to an aspect of her religion that might "persuade" a man to stay with her and raise a child in the same way a kidnapper might "persuade" a family to give him money for their child back.

So Fred spends the whole day with her trying to get her to take the other part of her plan B pill, and what "endearing" revelations does he learn about this girl along the way? Is it that she has already told her parents about her new "boyfriend" even though they've known each other less than a day? Is it that she fully expects to marry this stranger and raise the child if she is pregnant? Is it that you can apparently ignore signs of borderline personality disorder with the help of an indie acoustic soundtrack? Yes! I know what you're thinking though, "but Ryan, do they goof around in a kitchen while making food while ANOTHER indie soundtrack plays in the background?" Why yes, handsome reader, they in fact, do. "Oh. Well that doesn't make this girl any less irrational or ticking uterine time bomb of Lorena Bobbit proportions and I feel like someone in the movie should have pointed that out". Right again reader! You correctly arrived at that conclusion because your parents didn't hold you under water for 12 minutes when you were a toddler.

There's no likable character in the movie. Mindy is irrational, a compulsive liar, clingy, hypocritical, selfish, she deflects any piece of relevant constructive criticism by intentionally interpreting it as an insult, and she's emotional to a degree that makes me think she is the byproduct of some horrible government experiment to personify what Rush Limbaugh thinks the condensed essence of estrogen is. Fred looks like is Adam Scott and Tom Cruise had a child and inherited only their negative personality traits. He's weak willed, a liar, a cheater and so quickly taken in by Mindy's frizzy haired insanity that I feel like he's the worlds fastest example of Stockholm Syndrome. If Fred were a Jew in the Holocaust, he'd be the guy sitting in Auschwitz going "you know, maybe the Nazi's aren't that bad" after his first week. But hey, before you think that Fred is the bad guy for cheating it's revealed :SPOILER: his girlfriend had cheated on him too! So that means it's okay, right? Of course she admits this only after he says he cheated on her and that he intends to stay with Mindy (because "free spirited" and "emotional train wreck" are the same things in Fred's vocabulary) and up until that point she seemed to be an agreeable enough person who's main flaw is easily her taste in men. Come on, you know the old saying "2 wrongs and a bipolar mess make for a happy relationship in which there can be no possible negative repercussions that even Stevie Wonder could see"
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