Gotham: The Balloonman (2014)
Season 1, Episode 3
Two steps forward, one step back
12 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm still watching after the first two episodes and, I'm pleased to say, there are some improvements this week, but there are also still some things putting me off. First, the improvements. The 'villain' this week is closer to the comic book roots of the Batman story, killing corrupt public officials and sleazy lawyers with a very novel method; a succession of these would-be crimefighters could work as a formative influence on the young Bruce, as well as leading Gordon to question his so-far strictly orthodox, by-the-book attitude to ridding the city of crime. I particularly liked the way young master Wayne resumes eating as he watches the report on TV. There are also signs that Bullock may be moving at least a little towards Gordon's outlook, as the two will need to find some middle ground if the series is to be anything more than the two of them squaring off every week. However, on the 'bad' side of the equation, Alfred's approach to raising Bruce seems to be getting steadily more desperate, the 'sword fight' sequence being basically stupid. The police work is still basically exposition, the manner in which Gordon discovering who the killer is being particularly infuriating, and on that subject, wouldn't the floating bodies have stayed where they were in the upper atmosphere while the city moved away from beneath them as the earth rotated? I'm still interested to see what Cobblepot has planned for Gordon, and I'm hoping Selina made up her story about seeing the Waynes killer's face, as I personally think that person should remain anonymous. I'll be back for episode 4.
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