Sometimes youngsters can do tricks which their masters do not know !!!!
16 February 2015
One reason why this short film has succeeded is partially due to its offbeat title.There is hardly anybody who calls himself/herself "a cultured person" but has not heard about Mozart.A short film with a singular title namely 'The Mozart of pickpockets' gives a better idea about the film.It suggests that the pickpockets depicted in the film are supreme exponents of the art of pickpocketing as good as Mozart who was a true expert in music. The creative contribution of Philippe Pollet-Villard is revealed twice as not only he directs this film but also plays an important role.Apart from a lot of comic scenes,ample dose of realism has been added by him.Those who are familiar with Paris would have no difficulty in recognizing all the con tricks played by pickpockets,seedy hotels where they live and main areas where they operate.A short film with a classy end,'Le Mozart Des Pickpockets' is one of the rare short films made by a French director which has won two major prizes : Oscar award for best short film as well as César award for 'Meilleur Court-Métrage".
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