Review of Four Horsemen

Four Horsemen (2012)
more solution
1 March 2015
This is a well done, top notch documentary on the problems of the world, specifically the American Culture. There have been other docs made as well equally as informative. However, like the others is just more about the problem. Ah Media, when you all realize how much power you have to influence, you will begin using that power for the betterment of us all. Spend time on the problem and you perpetuate that. Spend time on the solution and you perpetuate that. I challenge you, now, to spend just as much time if not more on a documentary showcasing the solution because right now we have way too much momentum going in the "woe is me" direction. Oh Media, you also must realize that YOU are The Solution. It is up to us only to continue to make you aware of that power, for you are after all, the Voice of the People. Until you realize and act on such power, all we can do is focus on the solution as it applies to our own small, tiny, individual universe. For I can only affect my life and my world, your life and your world are your responsibility. It's just the way its meant to be. Alas Media, we call you to step up and use your mighty strength for all that positive and good.
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