Resident Evil 6 (2012 Video Game)
Honestly the worst gaming experience I have ever had, no joke
26 February 2015
This is not Resident Evil.

When the 5th game in this lumbering, beleaguered series came out in 2009 a lot of fans cried foul, claiming that the game was leaving its horror roots behind and pushing into a more generic, action- based, shoot-em-up approach. I was one of them. But RE6 is so jaw- droppingly, nail-shreddingly, absolutely, abysmally awful that you'll long for the days of RE5 and look back on them with fond memories. I've played many bad games in my life, but none made me as unhappy as this. RE6 will fill you with anger and rage under so much pressure you'll want to rip your TV from its mount on the wall and throw it through the window. How on Earth any of the trash that is featured in this game got approved by anyone at Capcom is beyond my understanding and I'm a man of noble intelligence.

RE6 just doesn't know what it is or what it wants to be. It's horribly bad but it's not a horror. Huge chunks of the game feel like any other generic war game (of which there are numerous) with generic monster enemies. Honestly, this thing may have been innovative and horrifying back when video games first featured genetically engineered mutations but it's completely by-the-numbers now. There are 4 different campaigns, all showing a different angle on the same world-wide catastrophe, all with different formulas relating to the series past. This just doesn't work. It might have been somewhat bearable if the game had a recognizable objective or mystery but it's just "go forward and shoot" while the levels go on and on and on and on and on and on and on...and DOES IT EVER END???

There is a boss in this game called Simmons. I swear the fight never stops. You'll experience boredom, tedium, and frustrations the likes of which a video game has never made you feel before. There's no satisfaction to this. The game makes a fool of you and takes time out of your precious and finite lifespan for the pleasure. The gameplay is slow, confusing, badly programmed, and joyless with cumbersome characters that control like they are drunk, and an epileptic, schizophrenic camera that will not let you orient yourself.

The story is just an incomprehensible mess. You'll give up on it after five minutes, and then when you try to skip through the cut- scenes and action-breaks you'll realize, to your immense disappointment (a feeling that this game will constantly provoke from you) that you can't. Yup, be prepared to spend ages and ages and ages being force-fed this garbage because you can't jump past it and continue with your tedious quest of killing monsters, or zombies, or whatever they are supposed to be. I honestly don't care.

Resident Evil is finished. Believe me, there is utterly nowhere the series can go now. The existence of this trash has killed the franchise. If there were an RE7, no matter how good it could be, it would not make the series recover or the fanbase forgive Capcom. It's just so unbelievably bad that I actually don't like myself for playing it for so long, hoping that it might get better. I should have known how to spot a stinker and RE6 proves itself to be exactly that in the first 5 minutes.

Do no, under any circumstances, subject yourself to this kick in the balls. It's just not worth it. Go outside, get fresh air, plant a tree, meet people. You will never have a more miserable time playing a video game. This is not Resident Evil. This is nothing!
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