Review of Krull

Krull (1983)
Richness alone makes it worthwhile
5 March 2015
There's a silliness that "Krull" is never able to shake off, but on the other hand, you can't deny the film's imagination. The lavish sets, matte paintings and staggering scenery do a pretty good job putting you on another planet (or at least that planet's English countryside), and it adorns the classic hero narrative with futuristic trappings. At the end of the day, it's a brave knight questing to save true love from the gnarly beast . . . with his friendly neighborhood cyclops. Two things that jumped out at me were the (very) "Wrath of Khan" score, and the end glaive battle felt like Tron fighting the MCP. But that's just nitpicking. Pacing issues aside, this movie seems to tick off the full checklist of space fantasy, and it's kind of a cool visual trip.

Also, this is the same guy that directed "Bullitt". I get a kick out of that.

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