Men to Kiss (2012)
Good moments, but as a whole not worth the watch
7 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Münner zum Knutschen" is a Berlin-set film whose title says it all already. It's about a couple of homosexuals who face difficulties in their relationship and have to overcome these and the people opposing their love in order to find peace again. A solid premise, but most of it was lost in execution. The lead actor Marx was not particularly great and his character actually always seemed heterosexual to me, probably because the actor was. The other guy (Lutz) was actually the highlight of the movie and maybe the only thing close to memorable from this very amateurish effort. It looked like a student film at times and not a particularly good one at that.

The movie runs for roughly 80 minutes only and you could easily see that director Hasfogel has never done another movie before or after that so far. Four people are actually credited with writing the film and, apart from a couple truly cheesy dialogs, the script is not one of the biggest weaknesses here. With the topic, you may guess that there are no real taboos in this movie and you are correct. Not only in terms of sexuality, but also in terms of drug abuse for example. Sometimes, it tries a bit too hard though to be "offensive in a funny way". A little subtlety never hurt anybody, guys. Unfortunately, the few funny moments are quickly destroyed by very unfunny scenes including randomly thrown-in transsexuals, weird voice imitations and the whole central plot about the two main characters struggling with their relationship had also some flaws in terms of credibility.

All in all, I do not recommend watching this movie. There are really many short films about gay characters out there and here and there, we also get a good feature movie. This one is not it. The story is weak, the characters are not particularly likable and the execution is shoddy. And the worst is, the characters are depicted far too stereotypical and unimaginative.
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