Drown (I) (2015)
the most intense film i've ever seen.
5 March 2015
let me start by saying i went to the premiere in sydney this week and expected another run of the mill Australian film with a gay theme that interested me. i had no idea that i would be leaving with my heart in pieces and mascara running down my face. this is one of the most raw, honest and brilliant films that has graced the Australian cinema scene in years. the three standouts in this film were len (played by matt levett), meat (played by harry cook) and the beautiful cinematography (by dean francis). matts performance as the brutal repressed len does a great job and you can really sense his inner turmoil. harrys performance is stunning as well as he plays a three dimensional character that really makes you feel for him and his struggle to confront his best friend in a situation that he knows is wrong. i don't want to give too much away but just wanted to say how great it was to see such strong talent in an Australian film both in front and behind the camera. i think it will go on to do very well overseas and here in Australia. the three i mentioned above deserve some kind of award for their work. are logies for films too or is it just TV? who knows. but either way it was a great film.
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